Announcement : 

Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby Term 1 2025

Registrations are now open and close on Monday 10th February 2025


We are now taking registrations for Touch Rugby teams for TERM 1 2025. Our students play in a school-based competition run by Total Touch.

Please note: you are only registering for TERM 1. Term 4 registrations will take place at the end of Term 3.


All games for Years 1- 6 will be held on Thursday afternoons at Fraser Park. The Term 1 season is 6 weeks starting on Thursday 20th February – Thursday 27th March. Students will need to organise their own transport to Fraser Park each week.


Most teams will be mixed teams with mixed abilities. However, there is an option on the google form for Years 3 – 6 if your child/ren wish to play in a more competitive team rather than mixed ability teams. Please complete the appropriate section in the google form so that we are able to place your child in a suitable division.


It is important to remember that if a student registers to be in a team they need to be committed for all 6 games in TERM 1. Games are not cancelled due to cold weather or rain. They are only cancelled if the grounds are closed. Cancellations can be checked on the website: or you can call 04 560 0373.



The costs for touch will be invoiced by Boulcott School once we have finalised the teams and payments will need to be made by Monday 17 February. Payments can be made by sending cash to the office in a named envelope or via online banking 

School Account: Boulcott School

Account number: 12-3142-0062729-00 (Ref Touch and your child’s name)



The children are required to wear their Boulcott School sports top and plain blue or black shorts (or tights). Children are also required to wear suitable footwear during the games. If your child does not have a sports top, you will need to order this from the school office ($47)


Adult Helpers

Each team will need at least one adult to be the ‘adult helper’. 

This role involves you attending  games, subbing children on and off in the games, being on the field as a helper (junior games only) and sending admin information out to the team. You can choose to run practice sessions if you would like, but most teams usually have a run around just before their games on Thursdays. Please indicate on the google form if you are able to assist with this.


Please complete the google form to complete your child/ren’s registration for Term 1.

Google Form: 

We look forward to another exciting season of Touch Rugby.


Thank you

Margaret Presland

Boulcott School Sports Coordinator